Can I Join Army With A Lazy Eye I Got A Question, I Am Joining The Army And I Have 20/20 Vision In My Right Eye. And I Dont Have So Good Visio?

I got a question, i am joining the army and i have 20/20 vision in my right eye. and i dont have so good visio? - can i join army with a lazy eye

Now my question is that I can join the infantry of the army? I want to make criminals and criminals in the infantry, I can into the barrel of a gun and **** my dominate right eye, my left eye is lazy, I see no **** after release, I close my right eye and can shapes and colors in my left eye can see, I disqualified?


Gally said...

My God, yes, his infantry long. When my husband of the Marines in '68 does not even know he needs glasses. The Marine Corps had their eyes examined to fit him with glasses, he returned and M-16 back home and hide and seek games with the yellow. What do you want? Go for it. I guarantee you that your ***. move

davidmi7... said...

Vision must be corrected (with glasses) at least one of the following options:

(1) 20/40 in one eye and 20/70 in the other eye.

(2) 20/30 in one eye and 20/100 in the other eye.

(3) 20/20 in one eye and 20/400 in the other eye.

Current near visual acuity (367) of all grades, that does not work properly (with glasses) to 20/40 in the better eye is disqualified.

The current refractive error (hyperopia (367.0), myopia (367.1), astigmatism (367.2)), refractive error and the history of prior refractive surgery manifest refractive error in spherical equivalent of -8.00 or 8.00 diopters worse is disqualified.

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