Aluminum Male Model Images Anti-Perspirant Without Aluminum?

Anti-Perspirant without Aluminum? - aluminum male model images

Is there any non-aluminum deodorant for men? saw that there is a question of women, but we need a male xD. something that can be found at your local Wal-Mart or something.


Over It said...

Addidas is a (only one type of aluminum is not free, you should consider carefully the labels) ... It smells clean, male or female, they can use. It is a brand named Jason, it's only natural ... thoes are the only 2 are worthless. I've tried others, but they stink. Adidas is probably stronger than it is up to you. I have so many things in my bathroom now, my husband and I are using.

greenfer... said...

I hear Wal-Mart Almay. I have never tried, and I do not know if there are really free of aluminum, but it never hurts to look around next time you're there. So here's a link to a forum, I think you can be useful. Good luck.

Tyrone S. said...

those made of glass, such as @ health food stores.

Peaceful Heretic said...

The glass works of the brand very well for both sexes, but the best results when you shave pits.

I like the Tom's Natural brand .... Try your health food store or natural foods section, and it will be a few brands to choose from.

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