Libra April Horoscope BB10 The Fight With Libra, Keesha, And April?

BB10 The fight with Libra, Keesha, and April? - libra april horoscope

You really need to go so far? It all started a bad joke. After Keesha says it's not funny, Libra, Libra, I can simply say: "I'm sorry, I have no influence on you," and that's all.
But at the same time, I am glad that the three against each other more or less, because I do not like one of them.
What do you think? And I'd go so far?


Blaze rekindled said...

Keesha is why I hate. Pound said that I was totally in jest, as he left the table and held Keesha and so on and hear not even what he said .... Balance was like they just completely constant. Grrr ... I hate people like that!

Keesha hates April for the same reasons that I hate Keesha .... It is wrong, it's stirring the pot and claim to have to take responsibility for Jessie and all he did ... Certainly, she has it now .. .. but not before that!

I want to balance soooo bad ... otherwise I would like to see Keesha would go this week!

ksw said...

Probably would not go so far, if not drinking Keesha. But it was wise to get out and stay away from the situation, but only Michelle followed her into her room. The matter of scale is to forget that they have to determine how Keesha to his job and took the order, though many people in the house was that it seems. April ... I think it is two and not unilaterally opposed to what he has said or done.

Rackpurdue #88 all the way said...

You're at a point that was thrown off balance, but you know that not only say that I think it would be easy! and in April he deserved, because it deserves to be confronted more than two to stab girl called, even if it was there and acted as if everything was innocent, as he always does! But you are right too far for something that was so stupid and very easy to solve!

Rackpurdue #88 all the way said...

You're at a point that was thrown off balance, but you know that not only say that I think it would be easy! and in April he deserved, because it deserves to be confronted more than two to stab girl called, even if it was there and acted as if everything was innocent, as he always does! But you are right too far for something that was so stupid and very easy to solve!

.A. said...

I agree with you. I think Michelle to blame. It has poured oil on the fire. The TV showed only a small part of it. I have the live broadcasts during the game, but the battle lasted for some time. Keesha was really drunk. The funny thing, what happens when Big Brother asked Renny to collect knives for meat and hide them in the diary room: D
I do not know.

girl said...

Michelle and April, we will try to cause problems. I think we both knew very well what Pound said he dryly. Everyone knows that scale, said to be funny - it was not serious. However, the tragedy was committed to. Poor balance. I'm not the biggest fan of the book, but sometimes I feel bad how people treat them. They do not deserve it.

Besides .. All had been drinking and had alcohol in their systems lol, they were a little louder than usual. ;)

Magic said...

I agree, everything was blown out of poportion ... Michelle knew that he was not recognized .. wished each other ... I feel bad for book B / C "is the fault of anyone who has taken the house, the ridiculous cuz shes won HOH or POV NVR and shes 1 vote PPL leaves ... Why does not this look like?

cindy t said...

I was so angry about this situation. This is obviously a joke and Michelle and Avril blown out of proportion just to scream Libra. Keesha was really drunk to understand what happens. Really league in the balance.

Somebody S said...

Balance joke, when I noticed then rises in April to the Hoh room and twisted around ...... That was my take on it. But good to get people they can create problems for someone else to ... BB That's how you play.

April B said...

I hope all three of them go home, I hope they win, or Memphis or Renny. Fight for stupid things. Balance was a joke anyway.

MK said...

That's what happens when you drink the house psychopath (Keesha) - we all share raped by her voice!

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